Sports Jobs
Baseball, basketball, dance, fitness, flag football, golf, gymnastics, hockey, lacrosse, soccer, tennis, volleyball, and more.

Athletic Staff
Our Athletic staff recognizes the need to be able to work with both the skilled and unskilled camper in order to deliver a growth experience that is meaningful and fun for each child. Our foundational approach to programming is, “Success is Based on Attitude Over Aptitude.” Athletic Specialists will teach five periods per day with groups ranging from 7-16 years of age. Each Athletic Specialist will also have the opportunity to officiate competitive games, coach against other camps in tournaments, as well as inspire campers to better understand and appreciate the sport.
When Athletic Specialists are not instructing at their area of expertise, they work and travel with their assigned bunk group. During these times, the Athletic Specialist effectively serves in the role of Cabin Counselor, ensuring the campers’ physical and emotional well-being.
Athletic Specialist roles available are Basketball, Tennis, Hockey, Soccer, Baseball/Softball, Lacrosse, Flag Football, Golf, Dance, Gymnastics, Volleyball, and Fitness.