Meet our Team
Trail’s End
There is a feeling you get when you meet Starr, Stan, Rona and Marc for the first time. You instantly know that your child will be safe in their care… welcoming smiles, sincerity in learning about you and your family, the passion with which they speak about their camp. You recognize how much they value your relationship with them. Two generations working together to provide your child with an experience of a lifetime.
Trail’s End Leadership

Sara Fetterhoff

Stephanie Fineman

Zach Wahl-Alexander

Jim Ressler
Head of Program Areas

Shari Mullen
& Co-Head Counselor Boys

Kylie Honigfeld
Chestnut Lake
Growing up in Philadelphia, Aaron and Ann attended different summer camps from a young age. While their summers were spent on various campuses in the Pocono Mountains of Pennsylvania, their shared passion for time spent among friends, role models, and the traditions found at their respective camps is what has inspired their careers as camp leaders and why coming to Chestnut Lake Camp as owners/directors in 2020 is the fulfillment of a dream.